Hello friends! I’m back ~ from a bit of a social media + blog detox! I haven’t been very active on my blog in the past few months due to some new life changes that I’ll be sharing.

I recently graduated college with a Bachelors of Science in Marketing. Woo! Finally done with undergrad. I was pretty busy finishing up my degree and enjoying my final days as a student.
I also started a new side hustle as a personal stylist with Stitch Fix! I love improving my skills in the customer service industry. If you missed the memo, I started a YouTube channel and have more videos on the way so definitely check that out + subscribe! On a more personal note, I am in a new relationship that brings me so much joy! As happy as can be.
So I’ve been quite the multi-tasker recently and I have been reflecting on these amazing opportunities that have come my way in 2019. I am really excited to see what lies ahead and to hop back in to blogging so I can continue to share my experiences and discoveries with you.
As I am moving into a new chapter of my life as a college graduate, I am finding that having a particular perspective regarding the future and newness can be quite helpful and assuring. Before graduating, I would sometimes get overwhelmed about the world of unknowns that I was about to enter. Studying, working, creating, and job searching can all get a little stressful when in combination. This mantra stood out to me and inspired me through the chaos.
“I look forward to the future because it is filled with hope and happiness.”
I hope you find some peace from this mantra if you are going through a big life change or starting a new chapter too. It’s important to realize that nothing is perfect right away nor does it have to be. You will reach your goals over time and it isn’t worth the overwhelming worry or the tears when you don’t have everything all figured out yet. I am now adjusting to the beginning of adulthood and I am applying to jobs and planning a bright, beautiful future. I have decided to take things slow and sit in the peaceful moments.

I wish you the best this week and hope that you take a minute to just sit outside, breathe, and appreciate a quiet moment amongst your busy schedule and own chaos. Just remember that you don’t have to figure everything out in one day and your future is always looking bright!