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Self-love Sunday

Updated: Oct 8, 2019

Every year you face new challenges and some may be more difficult to overcome than others. Negative energy can be very discouraging and sometimes it is even more difficult to pick yourself up and start moving in a positive direction. This year you may have fought with a friend, lost a family member, discovered a new insecurity about yourself, self-sabotaged an interview, or made a mistake. When events like these happen, a little self-love goes a long way. Focusing on the things you do right and the things you love about yourself will help you find a happier life and mindset. Often when you hear about self-love, it is related to embracing your insecurities and loving your body. Loving your physical self is important, but it is just as important to recognize other wonderful things about yourself and your life. Take time to appreciate your intelligence, sense of humor, kindness, patience, good decisions, family and friends, and all of the good vibes and support coming your way!

Society and media showcase a lot of expectations that we may feel pressured to uphold and feelings of jealousy or undermining yourself may follow when thinking about so many expectations. How we should act in a certain way to fit in... What features are considered beautiful... How important we are in terms of salary or social media followers... This list is never ending!

To stay away from negative energy and social norms, I like to practice a little extra self-love every Sunday. This is the perfect day of the week to unwind from the busy weekend and prepare for a good week ahead by setting a mood of being content, grateful, and motivated.

Some ways I show myself love include: reading a book for enjoyment, calling my mom, studying with friends, tidying up my room, pampering my skin with a face mask, drinking hot tea, watching a funny tv show, or making my bed (which is usually a messy pile of blankets). Do whatever makes you smile and feel good. I am a firm believer that you need to take care of yourself first and ensure that you are a growing, driven person with a full heart and a strong mind and spirit in order to help others to your best ability. Self-love allows you to take a step back and recharge so you can keep pursuing your goals, learning, and appreciating all you do and all you are along the way.

Today I woke up and told myself four things that I love about myself. At first this feels a little weird or silly, especially to say out loud, however hearing positive reinforcements from yourself makes them more real and you should be proud! I plan to make this a routine each week to begin planting happy thoughts in my mind that can blossom into even more self-love, spiritual growth, and appreciation for life and others.

I challenge you to tell yourself four sweet things out loud to show some self-love and confidence every Sunday. You can say anything positive whether it is something like “I love that I followed my planner and had a productive week” or “I love how I helped out a friend who needed me” or “I love the body I was given and how strong I am mentally and physically.” If you are reading these examples and you feel uncomfortable or you cannot say the same, that is okay. Self-love takes time and everyone starts from different points and overcomes different challenges. The important thing is that you can help create a supportive community for like-minded individuals who want to see others grow and be their best selves. Instead of comparing how successful or beautiful others are, celebrate their journeys and show yourself self-love for your accomplishments and your beauty.

Also, if you are not ready to tell yourself good things out loud, just write them down to start. The initial effort shows that you are ready and willing to better yourself and embrace each insecurity over time. Right now if all you are able to say is “I love that I am trying new things” or “I love that I am thinking about myself” and “I love that I am trying to ____” just do that! The key work is trying because this is the first step in your self-love journey as well as the first step for any other goals you wish to achieve.

One more thing, never feel guilty for showing yourself some love and appreciation! You deserve to compliment yourself, everyone does! You will always be there for yourself so start building a strong foundation of encouragement and belief in yourself. “You are capable of great things” and expressing this only makes it more clear and allows you to act on your strengths.

  • Support yourself and others around you.

  • Encourage growth and positive thinking.

  • Share smiles, laughter, and kindness to the world.

  • Never forget that you are capable, strong, resilient, beautiful, and growing.

  • Finally, compliment yourself and be proud of it!


a girl who will never stop trying to be happy, love herself, radiate positivity and encourage others to do the same


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