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Zero + Low Waste Beauty for Beginners

Updated: Oct 8, 2019

Simplify your beauty routine and save the environment by switching to zero waste or low waste alternatives! If you're new to this concept, just think how can I avoid plastic? Typically shampoos, soaps, and other beauty items are packaged in plastic bottles. Zero + low waste products are package free or are packaged in glass or fabric that you can upcycle for another purpose. The next time you run out of your beauty products and it's time to refresh your routine, search stores like The Package Free Shop, Etsy shops, local markets, or other low waste businesses selling eco-friendly options.

Beauty Products You Can Find Low Waste:

Shampoo Bars- Solid shampoo and conditioner bars look like bars of soap and usually last up to three months of washing! These bars lather, cleanse your scalp, and nourish your hair while avoiding plastic altogether. I like the stimulating shampoo bar from Naples Soap Company.

Bar Soap- Replace liquid soaps with bar soaps. Some brands still package bar soaps in plastic so make sure to choose one wrapped in cardboard or paper. I love this lavender bar soap from Dr. Bronners.

Natural Deodorant- My favorite natural deodorants are packaged in small glass pots that can be saved for another purpose! Two great ones are Schmidt's and Stinkbug Naturals.

Bulk Products- If you live near a bulk foods store or natural beauty store, then you may have easy access to bulk coconut oil, cocoa butter, or shea butter. These natural ingredients can be used to create your own recipes for deodorant and other DIY beauty products.

Makeup- Elate Cosmetics sells clean cosmetics sustainably packaged in bamboo and offers refills so you can keep your compacts and palettes. Lush sells eyeshadow and other beauty products packaged in glass that you can reuse once you finish the product. RMS beauty packages most of their makeup in glass pots that you can reuse and recycle. I have been wanting to try their "un cover-up" and a few other face products that I have heard others rave about!

So we have covered the basic products in a beauty routine, but what if you want to pamper yourself with some self-care? Don't worry, you can still buy bath bombs or body scrubs from eco-friendly brands! Lush sells package free body products that are colorful, smell amazing, and make for perfect gifts! If you are looking for a product that is more natural though, turn to Plaiin Cosmetics for body scrubs that smell like coffee and cake and hydrate your skin.

Currently, I am loving these solid body scrubs from Plaiin. This brand uses all-natural, organic and vegan ingredients and the scrubs are shipped to your door as zero-waste as possible. Plaiin packages their products in cardboard with paper tape and biodegradable packing peanuts. The scrubs themselves come in cute cloth bags with the ingredients listed. I am so excited to share this brand with you and I am thankful that Plaiin Cosmetics sent me these products to test out!

I only collaborate with brands when I believe in their mission, trust their ingredients and practices, and genuinely enjoy using their products!

Typically zero waste and low waste beauty products also have cleaner ingredients that are safe for your skin and avoid harsh chemicals that are found in packaged products. Not only will these beauty alternatives be kinder to the earth, they will also be kinder to your skin! If you discover any local brands or companies that I have not mentioned in this post, I would love to hear about them!

It's time to take care of your skin and the earth ~ simplify your life with simple ingredients and low waste packaging!




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