Mmmm I wish I had one of these to enjoy right now! I love love love hummus and it is one of my favorite healthy snacks! That being said, sometimes I eat right out of the container and end up indulging in wayyy too much hummus so that's where these wraps come into play! I've been racking my brain for easy, nutritious lunches to pack for work and came up with these healing hummus wraps. This way I still get to enjoy my hummus, but in moderation haha. By the end of this post you'll be craving one of these wraps too!

Healing Hummus Wraps
- flour tortillas (any kind)
- homemade beet hummus (or try my healthy lemon hummus)
- shredded carrots
- baked zucchini slices
- sliced bell pepper
*add any of your favorite veggies! cucumber, radishes, tomato, cabbage etc. :)
1. Pull out a tortilla and swipe a healthy amount of your hummus of choice all over the wrap.
2. Thinly slice or shred your raw veggies. Bake the zucchini on a cookie sheet. Layer your veggies on top of the hummus.
3. Add even more of your favorite vegetables for more nutrients and flavor!
4. Try not to overfill your wrap (I am always guilty of this haha) and carefully wrap up your tortilla starting at one end.
5. Cut the wrap in half and add to a reusable container to pack in your lunch box. I liked serving mine with a side of fresh fruit. Enjoy :)
- If you're not plant-based or you're looking to add even more protein to this healthy lunch recipe, you could try adding a few slices of a fresh turkey or chicken lunch meat. I haven't tried this so you'll have to let me know how it goes!
(When purchasing lunch meat of any kind look at the ingredients and make sure there are no added nitrates or nitrites. These are preservatives that help prevent lunch meat from growing bacteria. However, nitrates and nitrites can damage cells and even cause cancer in certain conditions. To learn more about this, check out this article. Fresh meats are always the better option, but when it comes to packaged meats try to limit your consumption and eat them in moderation. I can do a separate post about this so if you're interested comment down below and let me know.)

What is your go to lunch to pack? Also, if you have any vegetarian recipes that you love, please share them with me in the comments! :)